VTK  9.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 Program: Visualization Toolkit
4 Module: vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter.h
6 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7 All rights reserved.
8 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
84#ifndef vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter_h
85#define vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter_h
87#include "vtkDataSetAlgorithm.h"
88#include "vtkFiltersCoreModule.h" // For export macro
90class vtkCellArray;
91class vtkDataArray;
92class vtkDataSet;
93class vtkPointSet;
94class vtkPolyData;
100class VTKFILTERSCORE_EXPORT vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter : public vtkDataSetAlgorithm
105 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
116 void SetDataSetType(int);
117 vtkGetMacro(DataSetType, int);
118 void SetDataSetTypeToPolyData() { this->SetDataSetType(VTK_POLY_DATA); }
120 void SetDataSetTypeToStructuredGrid() { this->SetDataSetType(VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID); }
156 int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize);
157 void SetPointComponent(int comp, const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
158 {
159 this->SetPointComponent(comp, arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1, this->DefaultNormalize);
160 }
161 const char* GetPointComponentArrayName(int comp);
178 void SetVertsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
179 void SetVertsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
180 {
181 this->SetVertsComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
182 }
187 void SetLinesComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
188 void SetLinesComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
189 {
190 this->SetLinesComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
191 }
196 void SetPolysComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
197 void SetPolysComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
198 {
199 this->SetPolysComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
200 }
205 void SetStripsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
206 void SetStripsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
207 {
208 this->SetStripsComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
209 }
226 void SetCellTypeComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
227 void SetCellTypeComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
228 {
229 this->SetCellTypeComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
230 }
235 void SetCellConnectivityComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
236 void SetCellConnectivityComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
237 {
238 this->SetCellConnectivityComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
239 }
251 vtkSetMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
252 vtkGetMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
253 vtkBooleanMacro(DefaultNormalize, vtkTypeBool);
262 vtkSetVector3Macro(Dimensions, int);
263 vtkGetVectorMacro(Dimensions, int, 3);
271 vtkSetVector3Macro(Origin, double);
272 vtkGetVectorMacro(Origin, double, 3);
280 vtkSetVector3Macro(Spacing, double);
281 vtkGetVectorMacro(Spacing, double, 3);
291 void SetDimensionsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
292 void SetDimensionsComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
293 {
294 this->SetDimensionsComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
295 }
296 void SetSpacingComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
297 void SetSpacingComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
298 {
299 this->SetSpacingComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
300 }
301 void SetOriginComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max);
302 void SetOriginComponent(const char* arrayName, int arrayComp)
303 {
304 this->SetOriginComponent(arrayName, arrayComp, -1, -1);
305 }
313 vtkInformationVector*) override; // generate output data
316 int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info) override;
321 // control flags used to generate the output dataset
322 int DataSetType; // the type of dataset to generate
324 // Support definition of points
325 char* PointArrays[3]; // the name of the arrays
326 int PointArrayComponents[3]; // the array components used for x-y-z
327 vtkIdType PointComponentRange[3][2]; // the range of the components to use
328 int PointNormalize[3]; // flags control normalization
330 // These define cells for vtkPolyData
331 char* VertsArray; // the name of the array
332 int VertsArrayComponent; // the array component
333 vtkIdType VertsComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
335 char* LinesArray; // the name of the array
336 int LinesArrayComponent; // the array component used for cell types
337 vtkIdType LinesComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
339 char* PolysArray; // the name of the array
340 int PolysArrayComponent; // the array component
341 vtkIdType PolysComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
343 char* StripsArray; // the name of the array
344 int StripsArrayComponent; // the array component
345 vtkIdType StripsComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
347 // Used to define vtkUnstructuredGrid datasets
348 char* CellTypeArray; // the name of the array
349 int CellTypeArrayComponent; // the array component used for cell types
350 vtkIdType CellTypeComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
352 char* CellConnectivityArray; // the name of the array
353 int CellConnectivityArrayComponent; // the array components used for cell connectivity
354 vtkIdType CellConnectivityComponentRange[2]; // the range of the components to use
356 // helper methods (and attributes) to construct datasets
357 void SetArrayName(char*& name, char* newName);
364 // Default value for normalization
367 // Couple of different ways to specify dimensions, spacing, and origin.
368 int Dimensions[3];
369 double Origin[3];
370 double Spacing[3];
372 char* DimensionsArray; // the name of the array
373 int DimensionsArrayComponent; // the component of the array used for dimensions
374 vtkIdType DimensionsComponentRange[2]; // the ComponentRange of the array for the dimensions
376 char* OriginArray; // the name of the array
377 int OriginArrayComponent; // the component of the array used for Origins
378 vtkIdType OriginComponentRange[2]; // the ComponentRange of the array for the Origins
380 char* SpacingArray; // the name of the array
381 int SpacingArrayComponent; // the component of the array used for Spacings
382 vtkIdType SpacingComponentRange[2]; // the ComponentRange of the array for the Spacings
390 void operator=(const vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter&) = delete;
object to represent cell connectivity
Definition: vtkCellArray.h:290
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:159
map field data to concrete dataset
void SetCellTypeComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetPointComponentMaxRange(int comp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
void SetLinesComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetStripsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetArrayName(char *&name, char *newName)
void SetCellConnectivityComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetCellConnectivityComponentMinRange()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
const char * GetVertsComponentArrayName()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetPointComponent(int comp, const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max, int normalize)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
int GetLinesComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetPointComponentNormailzeFlag(int comp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
int GetCellConnectivityComponentMaxRange()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
void SetOriginComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called within ProcessRequest when a request asks the algorithm to do its work.
void SetDataSetTypeToRectilinearGrid()
Control what type of data is generated for output.
const char * GetPointComponentArrayName(int comp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
int GetStripsComponentMinRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetStripsComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetPointComponentArrayComponent(int comp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
vtkCellArray * ConstructCellArray(vtkDataArray *da, int comp, vtkIdType compRange[2])
int ConstructCells(vtkDataObject *input, vtkPolyData *pd)
static vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter * New()
int RequestDataObject(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called within ProcessRequest when a request asks the algorithm to create empty output data ob...
void SetSpacingComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
void SetStripsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
const char * GetCellTypeComponentArrayName()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetStripsComponentMaxRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetLinesComponentMinRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetDimensionsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
void SetSpacingComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
void SetDataSetTypeToUnstructuredGrid()
Control what type of data is generated for output.
void SetDataSetTypeToStructuredGrid()
Control what type of data is generated for output.
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called within ProcessRequest when a request asks for Information.
~vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter() override
int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
This is called within ProcessRequest when each filter in the pipeline decides what portion of its inp...
void SetDataSetTypeToStructuredPoints()
Control what type of data is generated for output.
void SetPointComponent(int comp, const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
int GetPolysComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
vtkRectilinearGrid * GetRectilinearGridOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
vtkDataSet * GetOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
vtkIdType ConstructPoints(vtkDataObject *input, vtkPointSet *ps)
void SetCellConnectivityComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
void SetCellTypeComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetPointComponentMinRange(int comp)
Define the component of the field to be used for the x, y, and z values of the points.
vtkStructuredGrid * GetStructuredGridOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
void ConstructOrigin(vtkDataObject *input)
void ConstructSpacing(vtkDataObject *input)
int GetCellTypeComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetVertsComponentMinRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetCellTypeComponentMinRange()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
const char * GetStripsComponentArrayName()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetLinesComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetPolysComponentMaxRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
Fill the input port information objects for this algorithm.
vtkUnstructuredGrid * GetUnstructuredGridOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
const char * GetPolysComponentArrayName()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetDataSetTypeToPolyData()
Control what type of data is generated for output.
void SetVertsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int ConstructCells(vtkDataObject *input, vtkUnstructuredGrid *ug)
int GetLinesComponentMaxRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
vtkDataSet * GetOutput(int idx)
Get the output in different forms.
vtkDataObject * GetInput()
Get the input to the filter.
void SetPolysComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
vtkPolyData * GetPolyDataOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
int GetPolysComponentMinRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetPolysComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void ConstructDimensions(vtkDataObject *input)
int GetCellTypeComponentMaxRange()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
vtkStructuredPoints * GetStructuredPointsOutput()
Get the output in different forms.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkIdType ConstructPoints(vtkDataObject *input, vtkRectilinearGrid *rg)
void SetOriginComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
void SetVertsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp, int min, int max)
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetDataSetType(int)
Control what type of data is generated for output.
int GetVertsComponentMaxRange()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
int GetVertsComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
void SetDimensionsComponent(const char *arrayName, int arrayComp)
Alternative methods to specify the dimensions, spacing, and origin for those datasets requiring this ...
const char * GetLinesComponentArrayName()
Define cell connectivity when creating vtkPolyData.
const char * GetCellConnectivityComponentArrayName()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
int GetCellConnectivityComponentArrayComponent()
Define cell types and cell connectivity when creating unstructured grid data.
general representation of visualization data
Superclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input.
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Definition: vtkDataSet.h:166
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:113
Store zero or more vtkInformation instances.
Store vtkAlgorithm input/output information.
concrete class for storing a set of points
Definition: vtkPointSet.h:106
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
Definition: vtkPolyData.h:195
a dataset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions
topologically regular array of data
A subclass of ImageData.
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
int vtkTypeBool
Definition: vtkABI.h:69
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:332
Definition: vtkType.h:80
Definition: vtkType.h:81
Definition: vtkType.h:79
Definition: vtkType.h:77
Definition: vtkType.h:78
#define max(a, b)