Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*=========================================================================
3  Program: Visualization Toolkit
4  Module: vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h
6  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7  All rights reserved.
8  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12  PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
14  =========================================================================*/
32 #ifndef vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h
33 #define vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h
35 #define VTK_NO_OVERLAP 0
36 #define VTK_NODE_OVERLAP 1
37 #define VTK_EDGE_OVERLAP 2
40 // VTK include directives
41 #include "vtkFiltersGeometryModule.h" // For export macro
43 #include "vtkStructuredNeighbor.h" // For Structured Neighbor object definition
44 #include "vtkStructuredData.h" // For data description definitions
46 // C++ include directives
47 #include <iostream> // For cout
48 #include <vector> // For STL vector
49 #include <map> // For STL map
50 #include <utility> // For STL pair and overloaded relational operators
51 #include <cassert> // For assert()
53 // Forward Declarations
54 class vtkIdList;
56 class vtkPointData;
57 class vtkCellData;
58 class vtkPoints;
60 class VTKFILTERSGEOMETRY_EXPORT vtkStructuredGridConnectivity :
62 {
63 public:
66  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent ) override;
72  vtkSetVector6Macro(WholeExtent,int);
73  vtkGetVector6Macro(WholeExtent,int);
80  vtkGetMacro(DataDimension,int);
86  void SetNumberOfGrids( const unsigned int N ) override;
92  virtual void RegisterGrid( const int gridID, int extents[6],
93  vtkUnsignedCharArray* nodesGhostArray,
94  vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellGhostArray,
95  vtkPointData* pointData,
96  vtkCellData* cellData,
97  vtkPoints* gridNodes );
102  void GetGridExtent( const int gridID, int extent[6] );
108  void SetGhostedGridExtent( const int gridID, int ext[6] );
113  void GetGhostedGridExtent( const int gridID, int ext[6] );
118  void ComputeNeighbors() override;
124  int GetNumberOfNeighbors( const int gridID )
125  { return( static_cast<int>(this->Neighbors[ gridID ].size() )); };
131  vtkStructuredNeighbor GetGridNeighbor(const int gridID, const int nei);
140  vtkIdList* GetNeighbors( const int gridID, int *extents );
147  void FillGhostArrays(
148  const int gridID,
149  vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesArray,
150  vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellsArray ) override;
155  void CreateGhostLayers( const int N=1 ) override;
157 protected:
159  ~vtkStructuredGridConnectivity() override;
164  bool InBounds( const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi )
165  { return( (idx>=Lo) && (idx<=Hi) ); };
170  bool StrictlyInsideBounds( const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi )
171  { return( (idx > Lo) && (idx < Hi) ); };
176  bool IsSubset( int A[2], int B[2] )
177  { return( this->InBounds(A[0], B[0], B[1]) &&
178  this->InBounds(A[1], B[0], B[1]) ); };
183  int Cardinality( int S[2] ) { return( S[1]-S[0]+1 ); };
189  int GetNumberOfNodesPerCell( const int dim )
190  {
191  int numNodes = 0;
192  switch( dim )
193  {
194  case 1:
195  numNodes = 2; // line cell
196  break;
197  case 2:
198  numNodes = 4; // quad cell
199  break;
200  case 3:
201  numNodes = 8; // hex cell
202  break;
203  default:
204  assert( "ERROR: code should not reach here!" && false );
205  } // END switch
206  return( numNodes );
207  }
213  void FillNodesGhostArray(
214  const int gridID, const int dataDescription,
215  int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodeArray );
220  void FillCellsGhostArray(
221  const int dataDescription, const int numNodesPerCell,
222  int dims[3], int CellExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesArray,
223  vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellsArray );
230  void SearchNeighbors(
231  const int gridID,
232  const int i, const int j, const int k,
233  vtkIdList *neiList );
239  void MarkNodeProperty(
240  const int gridID,
241  const int i, const int j, const int k,
242  int ext[6], int RealExtent[6], unsigned char &pfield );
248  void MarkCellProperty(
249  unsigned char &pfield,
250  unsigned char *nodeGhostFields, const int numNodes );
255  void GetRealExtent( const int gridID, int GridExtent[6],int RealExtent[6] );
261  bool IsGhostNode(
262  int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6],
263  const int i, const int j, const int k );
269  bool IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent(
270  const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6] );
277  bool IsNodeOnSharedBoundary(
278  const int gridID, int RealExtent[6],
279  const int i, const int j, const int k );
285  bool IsNodeOnBoundary( const int i, const int j, const int k );
291  bool IsNodeInterior(
292  const int i, const int j, const int k,
293  int GridExtent[6] );
300  const int i, const int j, const int k,
301  int GridExtent[6] )
302  {
303  bool status = false;
305  switch( this->DataDescription )
306  {
307  case VTK_X_LINE:
308  if( (GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) )
309  {
310  status = true;
311  }
312  break;
313  case VTK_Y_LINE:
314  if( (GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3] ) )
315  {
316  status = true;
317  }
318  break;
319  case VTK_Z_LINE:
320  if( (GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5] ) )
321  {
322  status = true;
323  }
324  break;
325  case VTK_XY_PLANE:
326  if( (GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) &&
327  (GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3]) )
328  {
329  status = true;
330  }
331  break;
332  case VTK_YZ_PLANE:
333  if( (GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3] ) &&
334  (GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5] ) )
335  {
336  status = true;
337  }
338  break;
339  case VTK_XZ_PLANE:
340  if( (GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1] ) &&
341  (GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5] ) )
342  {
343  status = true;
344  }
345  break;
346  case VTK_XYZ_GRID:
347  if( (GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) &&
348  (GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3]) &&
349  (GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5]) )
350  {
351  status = true;
352  }
353  break;
354  default:
355  std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
356  std::cout.flush();
357  assert( "pre: Undefined data-description!" && false );
358  } // END switch
360  return( status );
361  }
366  void SetNeighbors(
367  const int i, const int j,
368  int i2jOrientation[3], int j2iOrientation[3],
369  int overlapExtent[6] );
379  void DetermineNeighborOrientation(
380  const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3] );
387  void DetectNeighbors(
388  const int i, const int j, int ex1[6], int ex2[6],
389  int orientation[3], int ndim);
400  int IntervalOverlap( int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2] );
411  int DoPartialOverlap( int s[2], int S[2], int overlap[2] );
422  int PartialOverlap(
423  int A[2], const int CofA,
424  int B[2], const int CofB,
425  int overlap[2] );
431  void EstablishNeighbors( const int i, const int j );
437  void AcquireDataDescription();
453  bool HasBlockConnection( const int gridID, const int blockDirection );
469  void RemoveBlockConnection( const int gridID, const int blockDirection );
485  void AddBlockConnection( const int gridID, const int blockDirection );
491  void ClearBlockConnections( const int gridID );
500  int GetNumberOfConnectingBlockFaces( const int gridID );
505  void SetBlockTopology( const int gridID );
513  void GetIJKBlockOrientation(
514  const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6], int orientation[3] );
520  int Get1DOrientation(
521  const int idx, const int ExtentLo, const int ExtentHi,
522  const int OnLo, const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary );
528  void CreateGhostedExtent( const int gridID, const int N );
535  void GetGhostedExtent(
536  int *ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6],
537  const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N);
543  void CreateGhostedMaskArrays(const int gridID);
551  void InitializeGhostData( const int gridID );
558  void AllocatePointData( vtkPointData *RPD, const int N, vtkPointData *PD );
565  void AllocateCellData( vtkCellData *RCD, const int N, vtkCellData *CD );
571  void TransferRegisteredDataToGhostedData( const int gridID );
577  void ComputeNeighborSendAndRcvExtent( const int gridID, const int N );
584  virtual void TransferGhostDataFromNeighbors( const int gridID );
589  void TransferLocalNeighborData(
590  const int gridID, const vtkStructuredNeighbor& Neighor);
595  void CopyCoordinates(
596  vtkPoints *source, vtkIdType sourceIdx,
597  vtkPoints *target, vtkIdType targetIdx );
605  void CopyFieldData(
606  vtkFieldData *source, vtkIdType sourceIdx,
607  vtkFieldData *target, vtkIdType targetIdx );
614  int GetNeighborIndex( const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx );
619  void PrintExtent( int extent[6] );
623  int WholeExtent[6];
625  std::vector< int > GridExtents;
626  std::vector< int > GhostedExtents;
627  std::vector< unsigned char > BlockTopology;
628  std::vector< std::vector<vtkStructuredNeighbor> > Neighbors;
629  std::map< std::pair< int,int >, int > NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex;
631 private:
633  void operator=(const vtkStructuredGridConnectivity& ) = delete;
634 };
636 //=============================================================================
638 //=============================================================================
640 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
642  const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx )
643 {
644  assert("pre: Grid index is out-of-bounds!" &&
645  (gridIdx >= 0) &&
646  (gridIdx < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
647  assert("pre: Neighbor grid index is out-of-bounds!" &&
648  (NeighborGridIdx >= 0) &&
649  (NeighborGridIdx < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids) ) );
651  std::pair<int,int> gridPair = std::make_pair(gridIdx,NeighborGridIdx);
652  assert("pre: Neighboring grid pair does not exist in hash!" &&
653  (this->NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex.find(gridPair) !=
654  this->NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex.end() ) );
656  return(this->NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex[gridPair]);
657 }
659 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
661  int *ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6],
662  const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N )
663 {
664  assert( "pre: Number of ghost layers must be N >= 1" && (N >= 1) );
665  assert( "pre: ghosted extent pointer is nullptr" && ghostedExtent != nullptr);
667  ghostedExtent[minIdx] = GridExtent[minIdx]-N;
668  ghostedExtent[maxIdx] = GridExtent[maxIdx]+N;
670  // Clamp the ghosted extent to be within the WholeExtent
671  ghostedExtent[minIdx] =
672  (ghostedExtent[minIdx] < this->WholeExtent[minIdx] )?
673  this->WholeExtent[minIdx] : ghostedExtent[minIdx];
674  ghostedExtent[maxIdx] =
675  (ghostedExtent[maxIdx] > this->WholeExtent[maxIdx])?
676  this->WholeExtent[maxIdx] : ghostedExtent[maxIdx];
677 }
679 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
681  const int gridID, int ext[6] )
682 {
683  assert( "pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
684  (gridID >= 0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
685  assert( "pre: ghosted-extents vector has not been allocated" &&
686  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->GhostedExtents.size()/6 ) );
688  for( int i=0; i < 6; ++i )
689  {
690  this->GhostedExtents[ gridID*6+i ] = ext[i];
691  }
692 }
694 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696  const int gridID, int ext[6])
697 {
698  assert( "pre: gridID out-of-bounds!" &&
699  (gridID >= 0 && gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
700  for( int i=0; i < 6; ++i )
701  {
702  ext[i] = this->GridExtents[ gridID*6+i ];
703  }
704 }
706 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
708  const int gridID, int ext[6])
709 {
710  assert( "pre: gridID out-of-bounds!" &&
711  (gridID >= 0 && gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
713  if( this->GhostedExtents.size() == 0 )
714  {
715  ext[0] = ext[2] = ext[4] = -1;
716  ext[1] = ext[3] = ext[5] = 0;
717  vtkErrorMacro( "No ghosted extents found for registered grid extends!!!" );
718  return;
719  }
721  assert( "GhostedExtents are not aligned with registered grid extents" &&
722  ( this->GhostedExtents.size() == this->GridExtents.size() ) );
723  for( int i=0; i < 6; ++i )
724  {
725  ext[i] = this->GhostedExtents[ gridID*6+i ];
726  }
727 }
729 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
731  const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6] )
732 {
733  if( !this->IsNodeWithinExtent( i,j,k, ext) )
734  {
735  return false;
736  }
738  bool status = false;
739  switch( this->DataDescription )
740  {
741  case VTK_X_LINE:
742  if( i==ext[0] || i==ext[1] )
743  {
744  status = true;
745  }
746  break;
747  case VTK_Y_LINE:
748  if( j==ext[2] || j==ext[3] )
749  {
750  status = true;
751  }
752  break;
753  case VTK_Z_LINE:
754  if( k==ext[4] || k==ext[5] )
755  {
756  status = true;
757  }
758  break;
759  case VTK_XY_PLANE:
760  if( (i==ext[0] || i==ext[1]) ||
761  (j==ext[2] || j==ext[3]) )
762  {
763  status = true;
764  }
765  break;
766  case VTK_YZ_PLANE:
767  if( (j==ext[2] || j==ext[3]) ||
768  (k==ext[4] || k==ext[5]) )
769  {
770  status = true;
771  }
772  break;
773  case VTK_XZ_PLANE:
774  if( (i==ext[0] || i==ext[1]) ||
775  (k==ext[4] || k==ext[5]) )
776  {
777  status = true;
778  }
779  break;
780  case VTK_XYZ_GRID:
781  if( (i==ext[0] || i==ext[1]) ||
782  (j==ext[2] || j==ext[3]) ||
783  (k==ext[4] || k==ext[5]) )
784  {
785  status = true;
786  }
787  break;
788  default:
789  std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
790  std::cout.flush();
791  assert( "pre: Undefined data-description!" && false );
792  } // END switch
794  return( status );
795 }
797 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
799  const int i, const int j, const int k,
800  int GridExtent[6] )
801 {
802  bool status = false;
804  switch( this->DataDescription )
805  {
806  case VTK_X_LINE:
807  if( (GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) )
808  {
809  status = true;
810  }
811  break;
812  case VTK_Y_LINE:
813  if( (GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3] ) )
814  {
815  status = true;
816  }
817  break;
818  case VTK_Z_LINE:
819  if( (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5] ) )
820  {
821  status = true;
822  }
823  break;
824  case VTK_XY_PLANE:
825  if( (GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) &&
826  (GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3]) )
827  {
828  status = true;
829  }
830  break;
831  case VTK_YZ_PLANE:
832  if( (GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3] ) &&
833  (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5] ) )
834  {
835  status = true;
836  }
837  break;
838  case VTK_XZ_PLANE:
839  if( (GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1] ) &&
840  (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5] ) )
841  {
842  status = true;
843  }
844  break;
845  case VTK_XYZ_GRID:
846  if( (GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) &&
847  (GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3]) &&
848  (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5]) )
849  {
850  status = true;
851  }
852  break;
853  default:
854  std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
855  std::cout.flush();
856  assert( "pre: Undefined data-description!" && false );
857  } // END switch
859  return( status );
860 }
862 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
864  const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3] )
865 {
866  assert( "pre: idx is out-of-bounds" && (idx >= 0) && (idx < 3) );
868  // A. Non-overlapping cases
869  if( overlap[0] == overlap[1] )
870  {
871  if( A[1] == B[0] )
872  {
873  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::HI;
874  }
875  else if( A[0] == B[1] )
876  {
877  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::LO;
878  }
879  else
880  {
881  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
882  assert( "ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false );
883  }
884  } // END non-overlapping cases
885  // B. Sub-set cases
886  else if( this->IsSubset( A, B) )
887  {
888  if( (A[0] == B[0]) && (A[1] == B[1]) )
889  {
890  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::ONE_TO_ONE;
891  }
892  else if( this->StrictlyInsideBounds( A[0], B[0], B[1] ) &&
893  this->StrictlyInsideBounds( A[1], B[0], B[1] ) )
894  {
895  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_BOTH;
896  }
897  else if( A[0] == B[0] )
898  {
899  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_HI;
900  }
901  else if( A[1] == B[1] )
902  {
903  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_LO;
904  }
905  else
906  {
907  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
908  assert( "ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false );
909  }
910  }
911  // C. Super-set cases
912  else if( this->IsSubset( B, A ) )
913  {
914  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUPERSET;
915  }
916  // D. Partially-overlapping (non-subset) cases
917  else if( !(this->IsSubset(A,B) || this->IsSubset(A,B)) )
918  {
919  if( this->InBounds( A[0], B[0], B[1] ) )
920  {
921  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::LO;
922  }
923  else if( this->InBounds( A[1], B[0], B[1] ) )
924  {
925  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::HI;
926  }
927  else
928  {
929  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
930  assert( "ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false );
931  }
932  }
933  else
934  {
935  orient[ idx ] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
936  assert( "ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false );
937  }
938 }
940 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
942  const int idx, const int ExtentLo, const int ExtentHi,
943  const int OnLo, const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary )
944 {
945  if( idx == ExtentLo )
946  {
947  return OnLo;
948  }
949  else if( idx == ExtentHi )
950  {
951  return OnHi;
952  }
953  return NotOnBoundary;
954 }
956 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
958  const int gridID, const int blockDirection )
959 {
960  // Sanity check
961  assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
962  (gridID >=0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
963  assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
964  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
965  assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" &&
966  (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6) );
967  bool status = false;
968  if( this->BlockTopology[ gridID ] & (1 << blockDirection) )
969  {
970  status = true;
971  }
972  return( status );
973 }
975 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
977  const int gridID, const int blockDirection )
978 {
979  // Sanity check
980  assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
981  (gridID >=0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
982  assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
983  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
984  assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" &&
985  (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6) );
987  this->BlockTopology[ gridID ] &= ~(1 << blockDirection);
988 }
990 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
992  const int gridID, const int blockDirection )
993 {
994  // Sanity check
995  assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
996  (gridID >=0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
997  assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
998  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
999  assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" &&
1000  (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6) );
1001  this->BlockTopology[ gridID ] |= (1 << blockDirection);
1002 }
1004 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1006  const int gridID )
1007 {
1008  // Sanity check
1009  assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
1010  (gridID >=0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
1011  assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
1012  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
1013  for( int i=0; i < 6; ++i )
1014  {
1015  this->RemoveBlockConnection( gridID, i );
1016  } // END for all block directions
1017 }
1019 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1021  const int gridID )
1022 {
1023  // Sanity check
1024  assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" &&
1025  (gridID >=0) && (gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
1026  assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
1027  (this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
1029  int count = 0;
1030  for( int i=0; i < 6; ++i )
1031  {
1032  if( this->HasBlockConnection( gridID, i ) )
1033  {
1034  ++count;
1035  }
1036  }
1037  assert( "post: count must be in [0,5]" && (count >=0 && count <= 6) );
1038  return( count );
1039 }
1041 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043  const unsigned int N )
1044 {
1045  if (N == 0)
1046  {
1047  vtkErrorMacro("Number of grids cannot be 0.");
1048  return;
1049  }
1051  this->NumberOfGrids = N;
1054  this->GridExtents.resize( 6*N,-1);
1055  this->Neighbors.resize( N );
1056  this->BlockTopology.resize( N );
1057 }
1058 #endif /* vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h */
int Cardinality(int S[2])
Returns the cardinality of a range S.
int GetNumberOfConnectingBlockFaces(const int gridID)
Returns the number of faces of the block corresponding to the given grid ID that are adjacent to at l...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
int GetNumberOfNodesPerCell(const int dim)
Returns the number of nodes per cell according to the given dimension.
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, int > NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex
bool HasBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
Checks if the block corresponding to the given grid ID has a block adjacent to it in the given block ...
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor target(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
represent and manipulate point attribute data
Definition: vtkPointData.h:37
void AddBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
Adds a block connection along the given direction for the block corresponding to the given gridID...
bool IsSubset(int A[2], int B[2])
Returns true iff A is a subset of B, otherwise false.
void SetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6])
Sets the ghosted grid extent for the grid corresponding to the given grid ID to the given extent...
void GetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6])
Returns the ghosted grid extent for the block corresponding the.
virtual void ComputeNeighbors()=0
Computes the grid neighboring topology for the domain.
represent and manipulate cell attribute data
Definition: vtkCellData.h:38
std::vector< unsigned char > BlockTopology
std::vector< std::vector< vtkStructuredNeighbor > > Neighbors
#define VTK_XZ_PLANE
bool InBounds(const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi)
Returns true iff Lo <= idx <= Hi, otherwise false.
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:347
int GetNeighborIndex(const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx)
Given a global grid ID and the neighbor grid ID, this method returns the neighbor index w...
void GetGhostedExtent(int *ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6], const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N)
Gets the ghosted extent from the given grid extent along the dimension given by minIdx and maxIdx...
void DetermineNeighborOrientation(const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3])
Given two overlapping extents A,B and the corresponding overlap extent this method computes A&#39;s relat...
void SetNumberOfGrids(const unsigned int N) override
Set/Get the total number of domains distributed among processors.
void RemoveBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
Removes a block connection along the given direction for the block corresponding to the given gridID...
void GetGridExtent(const int gridID, int extent[6])
Returns the grid extent of the grid corresponding to the given grid ID.
vtkStructuredGridConnectivity is a concrete instance of vtkObject that implements functionality for c...
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:39
list of point or cell ids
Definition: vtkIdList.h:36
#define VTK_XY_PLANE
A superclass that defines the interface to be implemented by all concrete grid connectivity classes...
virtual void SetNumberOfGrids(const unsigned int N)=0
Sets the total number of grids in the domain.
bool IsNodeInterior(const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
Checks if the node, corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is within the interior of the...
bool IsNodeWithinExtent(const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is within the given extent...
#define VTK_XYZ_GRID
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
int Get1DOrientation(const int idx, const int ExtentLo, const int ExtentHi, const int OnLo, const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary)
A helper method that computes the 1-D i-j-k orientation to facilitate the implementation of GetNodeBl...
An internal, light-weight class used to store neighbor information.
bool StrictlyInsideBounds(const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi)
Returns true iff Lo < idx < Hi, otherwise false.
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
int GetNumberOfNeighbors(const int gridID)
Returns the number of neighbors for the grid corresponding to the given grid ID.
bool IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent(const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6])
Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is on the boundary of the give...
void AllocateUserRegisterDataStructures()
Allocate/De-allocate the data-structures where the user-supplied grids will be registered.
#define VTK_YZ_PLANE
virtual void FillGhostArrays(const int gridId, vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellsArray)=0
Fills the ghost arrays for the given grid.
static vtkObject * New()
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on...
#define VTK_X_LINE
virtual void CreateGhostLayers(const int N=1)=0
Creates N layers of ghost layers where N is the number of cells that will be added to each grid...
#define VTK_Z_LINE
represent and manipulate 3D points
Definition: vtkPoints.h:39
void ClearBlockConnections(const int gridID)
Clears all block connections for the block corresponding to the given grid ID.
represent and manipulate fields of data
Definition: vtkFieldData.h:56
#define VTK_Y_LINE