Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*=========================================================================
3  Program: Visualization Toolkit
4  Module: vtkMPIController.h
6  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7  All rights reserved.
8  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12  PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
49 #ifndef vtkMPIController_h
50 #define vtkMPIController_h
52 #include "vtkParallelMPIModule.h" // For export macro
54 // Do not remove this header file. This class contains methods
55 // which take arguments defined in vtkMPICommunicator.h by
56 // reference.
57 #include "vtkMPICommunicator.h" // Needed for direct access to communicator
59 class vtkIntArray;
61 class VTKPARALLELMPI_EXPORT vtkMPIController : public vtkMultiProcessController
62 {
64 public:
66  static vtkMPIController *New();
68  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
81  virtual void Initialize(int* argc, char*** argv) override
82  { this->Initialize(argc, argv, 0); }
84  virtual void Initialize(int* vtkNotUsed(argc), char*** vtkNotUsed(argv),
85  int initializedExternally) override;
90  virtual void Initialize();
97  virtual void Finalize() override { this->Finalize(0); }
99  virtual void Finalize(int finalizedExternally) override;
105  virtual void SingleMethodExecute() override;
112  virtual void MultipleMethodExecute() override;
119  virtual void CreateOutputWindow() override;
125  static char* ErrorString(int err);
137  void SetCommunicator(vtkMPICommunicator* comm);
139  virtual vtkMPIController *CreateSubController(vtkProcessGroup *group) override;
141  virtual vtkMPIController *PartitionController(int localColor, int localKey) override;
152  int NoBlockSend(const int* data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag,
154  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
155  (data ,length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
156  int NoBlockSend(const unsigned long* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
157  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
158  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
159  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
160  int NoBlockSend(const char* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
161  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
162  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
163  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
164  int NoBlockSend( const unsigned char* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
165  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req )
166  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
167  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req);}
168  int NoBlockSend(const float* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
169  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
170  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
171  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
172  int NoBlockSend(const double* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
173  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
174  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
175  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
176 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
177  int NoBlockSend(const vtkIdType* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
178  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
179  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockSend
180  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
181 #endif
191  int NoBlockReceive(int* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
192  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
193  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
194  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
195  int NoBlockReceive(unsigned long* data, int length,
196  int remoteProcessId, int tag,
198  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
199  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
200  int NoBlockReceive(char* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
201  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
202  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
203  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
204  int NoBlockReceive(unsigned char* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
205  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
206  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
207  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
208  int NoBlockReceive(float* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
209  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
210  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
211  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
212  int NoBlockReceive(double* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
213  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
214  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
215  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
216 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
217  int NoBlockReceive(vtkIdType* data, int length, int remoteProcessId,
218  int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request& req)
219  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->NoBlockReceive
220  (data, length, remoteProcessId, tag, req); }
221 #endif
233  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource)
234  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
235  source, tag, flag, actualSource); }
236  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource,
237  int* type, int* size)
238  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
239  source, tag, flag, actualSource, type, size); }
240  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource,
241  unsigned long* type, int* size)
242  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
243  source, tag, flag, actualSource, type, size); }
244  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource,
245  const char* type, int* size)
246  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
247  source, tag, flag, actualSource, type, size); }
248  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource,
249  float* type, int* size)
250  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
251  source, tag, flag, actualSource, type, size); }
252  int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int* flag, int* actualSource,
253  double* type, int* size)
254  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->Iprobe(
255  source, tag, flag, actualSource, type, size); }
262  int WaitAll(const int count, vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[])
263  { return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->WaitAll(count,requests);}
271  int WaitAny(const int count,vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[], int& idx) VTK_SIZEHINT(requests, count)
272  {return ((vtkMPICommunicator*)this->Communicator)->WaitAny(count,requests,idx);}
279  int WaitSome(
280  const int count, vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[],
281  vtkIntArray *completed ) VTK_SIZEHINT(requests, count);
286  bool TestAll(const int count, vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[] );
294  bool TestAny(const int count,vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[],int &idx) VTK_SIZEHINT(requests, count);
301  bool TestSome(const int count,vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[],
302  vtkIntArray *completed ) VTK_SIZEHINT(requests, count);
304  static const char* GetProcessorName();
310  static void SetUseSsendForRMI(int use_send)
311  { vtkMPIController::UseSsendForRMI = (use_send != 0)? 1: 0; }
314 protected:
316  ~vtkMPIController();
318  // Set the communicator to comm and call InitializeNumberOfProcesses()
319  void InitializeCommunicator(vtkMPICommunicator* comm);
321  // Duplicate the current communicator, creating RMICommunicator
322  void InitializeRMICommunicator();
329  virtual void TriggerRMIInternal(int remoteProcessId,
330  void* arg, int argLength, int rmiTag, bool propagate) override;
332  // MPI communicator created when Initialize() called.
333  // This is a copy of MPI_COMM_WORLD but uses a new
334  // context, i.e. even if the tags are the same, the
335  // RMI messages will not interfere with user level
336  // messages.
339  friend class vtkMPIOutputWindow;
341  // Initialize only once.
342  static int Initialized;
344  static char ProcessorName[];
349  static int UseSsendForRMI;
351 private:
352  vtkMPIController(const vtkMPIController&) = delete;
353  void operator=(const vtkMPIController&) = delete;
355 };
358 #endif
int NoBlockSend(const double *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int NoBlockSend(const unsigned char *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int NoBlockSend(const unsigned long *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int WaitAll(const int count, vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[])
Given the request objects of a set of non-blocking operations (send and/or receive) this method block...
int WaitAny(const int count, vtkMPICommunicator::Request requests[], int &idx)
Blocks until one of the specified requests in the given request array completes.
virtual void Finalize()=0
This method is for cleaning up.
Class for creating user defined MPI communicators.
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource, const char *type, int *size)
virtual void TriggerRMIInternal(int remoteProcessId, void *arg, int argLength, int rmiTag, bool propagate)
Implementation for TriggerRMI() provides subclasses an opportunity to modify the behaviour eg...
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:347
virtual void MultipleMethodExecute()=0
Execute the MultipleMethods (as define by calling SetMultipleMethod for each of the required this->Nu...
static int UseSsendForRMI
When set, TriggerRMI uses Ssend instead of Send.
int NoBlockReceive(unsigned char *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
static void SetUseSsendForRMI(int use_send)
When set to 1, TriggerRMI uses Ssend() instead of Send() calls.
dynamic, self-adjusting array of int
Definition: vtkIntArray.h:45
int NoBlockSend(const int *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
This method sends data to another process (non-blocking).
virtual void Initialize(int *vtkNotUsed(argc), char ***vtkNotUsed(argv))=0
This method is for setting up the processes.
int NoBlockReceive(unsigned long *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:39
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual void Initialize(int *argc, char ***argv) override
This method is for setting up the processes.
static int Initialized
A subgroup of processes from a communicator.
Process communication using MPI.
static vtkMPICommunicator * WorldRMICommunicator
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)
int NoBlockReceive(float *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource, double *type, int *size)
virtual void CreateOutputWindow()=0
This method can be used to tell the controller to create a special output window in which all message...
int NoBlockSend(const char *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource, unsigned long *type, int *size)
int NoBlockReceive(double *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
virtual void Finalize() override
This method is for cleaning up and has to be called before the end of the program if MPI was initiali...
int NoBlockReceive(char *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource, float *type, int *size)
static int GetUseSsendForRMI()
int NoBlockReceive(int *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
This method receives data from a corresponding send (non-blocking).
static vtkObject * New()
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on...
int NoBlockSend(const float *data, int length, int remoteProcessId, int tag, vtkMPICommunicator::Request &req)
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource, int *type, int *size)
virtual void SingleMethodExecute()=0
Execute the SingleMethod (as define by SetSingleMethod) using this->NumberOfProcesses processes...
virtual vtkMultiProcessController * PartitionController(int localColor, int localKey)
Partitions this controller based on a coloring.
virtual vtkMultiProcessController * CreateSubController(vtkProcessGroup *group)
Creates a new controller with the processes specified by the given group.
int Iprobe(int source, int tag, int *flag, int *actualSource)
Nonblocking test for a message.
Multiprocessing communication superclass.