Public Member Functions | List of all members
vtkQuaterniond Class Reference

#include <vtkQuaternion.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkQuaterniond:
Collaboration diagram for vtkQuaterniond:

Public Member Functions

 vtkQuaterniond ()
 vtkQuaterniond (double w, double x, double y, double z)
 vtkQuaterniond (double scalar)
 vtkQuaterniond (const double *init)
 vtkQuaternionOperatorMacro (vtkQuaterniond, double)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkQuaternion< double >
 vtkQuaternion ()
 Default constructor. More...
 vtkQuaternion (const double &scalar)
 Initialize all of the quaternion's elements with the supplied scalar. More...
 vtkQuaternion (const double *init)
 Initialize the quaternion's elements with the elements of the supplied array. More...
 vtkQuaternion (const double &w, const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
 Initialize the quaternion element explicitly. More...
double SquaredNorm () const
 Get the squared norm of the quaternion. More...
double Norm () const
 Get the norm of the quaternion, i.e. More...
void ToIdentity ()
 Set the quaternion to identity in place. More...
double Normalize ()
 Normalize the quaternion in place. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleNormalized () const
 Return the normalized form of this quaternion. More...
void Conjugate ()
 Conjugate the quaternion in place. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleConjugated () const
 Return the conjugate form of this quaternion. More...
void Invert ()
 Invert the quaternion in place. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleInverse () const
 Return the inverted form of this quaternion. More...
void ToUnitLog ()
 Convert this quaternion to a unit log quaternion. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleUnitLog () const
 Return the unit log version of this quaternion. More...
void ToUnitExp ()
 Convert this quaternion to a unit exponential quaternion. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleUnitExp () const
 Return the unit exponential version of this quaternion. More...
void NormalizeWithAngleInDegrees ()
 Normalize a quaternion in place and transform it to so its angle is in degrees and its axis normalized. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleNormalizedWithAngleInDegrees () const
 Returns a quaternion normalized and transformed so its angle is in degrees and its axis normalized. More...
vtkQuaternion< CastTo > Cast () const
 Cast the quaternion to the specified type and return the result. More...
void ToMatrix3x3 (doubleA[3][3]) const
 Convert a quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix. More...
void FromMatrix3x3 (const doubleA[3][3])
 Convert a 3x3 matrix into a quaternion. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleSlerp (doublet, const vtkQuaternion< double > &q) const
 Interpolate quaternions using spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and q1 to produce the output. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleInnerPoint (const vtkQuaternion< double > &q1, const vtkQuaternion< double > &q2) const
 Interpolates between quaternions, using spherical quadrangle interpolation. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator+ (const vtkQuaternion< double > &q) const
 Performs addition of quaternion of the same basic type. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator- (const vtkQuaternion< double > &q) const
 Performs subtraction of quaternions of the same basic type. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator* (const vtkQuaternion< double > &q) const
 Performs multiplication of quaternion of the same basic type. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator* (const double &scalar) const
 Performs multiplication of the quaternions by a scalar value. More...
void operator*= (const double &scalar) const
 Performs in place multiplication of the quaternions by a scalar value. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator/ (const vtkQuaternion< double > &q) const
 Performs division of quaternions of the same type. More...
vtkQuaternion< doubleoperator/ (const double &scalar) const
 Performs division of the quaternions by a scalar value. More...
void Set (const double &w, const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
 Set/Get the w, x, y and z components of the quaternion. More...
void Set (doublequat[4])
 Set/Get the w, x, y and z components of the quaternion. More...
void Get (doublequat[4]) const
 Set/Get the w, x, y and z components of the quaternion. More...
void SetW (const double &w)
 Set/Get the w component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
const doubleGetW () const
 Set/Get the w component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
void SetX (const double &x)
 Set/Get the x component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
const doubleGetX () const
 Set/Get the x component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
void SetY (const double &y)
 Set/Get the y component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
const doubleGetY () const
 Set/Get the y component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
void SetZ (const double &z)
 Set/Get the y component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
const doubleGetZ () const
 Set/Get the y component of the quaternion, i.e. More...
double GetRotationAngleAndAxis (doubleaxis[3]) const
 Set/Get the angle (in radians) and the axis corresponding to the axis-angle rotation of this quaternion. More...
void SetRotationAngleAndAxis (doubleangle, doubleaxis[3])
 Set/Get the angle (in radians) and the axis corresponding to the axis-angle rotation of this quaternion. More...
void SetRotationAngleAndAxis (const double &angle, const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
 Set/Get the angle (in radians) and the axis corresponding to the axis-angle rotation of this quaternion. More...
void operator/= (const double &scalar)
 Performs in place division of the quaternions by a scalar value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkTuple< double, 4 >
 vtkTuple ()
 The default constructor does not initialize values. More...
 vtkTuple (const double &scalar)
 Initialize all of the tuple's elements with the supplied scalar. More...
 vtkTuple (const double *init)
 Initialize the tuple's elements with the elements of the supplied array. More...
int GetSize () const
 Get the size of the tuple. More...
doubleGetData ()
 Get a pointer to the underlying data of the tuple. More...
const doubleGetData () const
doubleoperator[] (int i)
 Get a reference to the underlying data element of the tuple. More...
const doubleoperator[] (int i) const
double operator() (int i) const
 Get the value of the tuple at the index specified. More...
bool Compare (const vtkTuple< double, Size > &other, const double &tol) const
 Equality operator with a tolerance to allow fuzzy comparisons. More...
vtkTuple< TR, Size > Cast () const
 Cast the tuple to the specified type, returning the result. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkQuaternion< double >
static vtkQuaternion< doubleIdentity ()
 Return the identity quaternion. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkTuple< double, 4 >
double Data [Size]
 The only thing stored in memory! More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 429 of file vtkQuaternion.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkQuaterniond::vtkQuaterniond ( )

Definition at line 432 of file vtkQuaternion.h.

vtkQuaterniond::vtkQuaterniond ( double  w,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Definition at line 433 of file vtkQuaternion.h.

vtkQuaterniond::vtkQuaterniond ( double  scalar)

Definition at line 435 of file vtkQuaternion.h.

vtkQuaterniond::vtkQuaterniond ( const double init)

Definition at line 436 of file vtkQuaternion.h.

Member Function Documentation

vtkQuaterniond::vtkQuaternionOperatorMacro ( vtkQuaterniond  ,

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