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vtkKdTree Class Reference

a Kd-tree spatial decomposition of a set of points More...

#include <vtkKdTree.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkKdTree:
Collaboration diagram for vtkKdTree:


struct  _cellList

Public Types

typedef vtkLocator Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkLocator
typedef vtkObject Superclass
 Standard type and print methods. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *type)
 Standard type and print methods. More...
vtkKdTreeNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual int GetNumberOfRegionsOrLess ()
 Set/Get the number of spatial regions you want to get close to without going over. More...
virtual void SetNumberOfRegionsOrLess (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfRegionsOrMore ()
 Set/Get the number of spatial regions you want to get close to while having at least this many regions. More...
virtual void SetNumberOfRegionsOrMore (int)
virtual double GetFudgeFactor ()
 Some algorithms on k-d trees require a value that is a very small distance relative to the diameter of the entire space divided by the k-d tree. More...
virtual void SetFudgeFactor (double)
virtual vtkBSPCutsGetCuts ()
 Get a vtkBSPCuts object, a general object representing an axis- aligned spatial partitioning. More...
void SetCuts (vtkBSPCuts *cuts)
 Normally the k-d tree is computed from the dataset(s) provided in SetDataSet. More...
void OmitXPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the X axis, yielding shafts in the X direction. More...
void OmitYPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the Y axis, yielding shafts in the Y direction. More...
void OmitZPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the Z axis, yielding shafts in the Z direction. More...
void OmitXYPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the X and Y axes, yielding slabs along Z. More...
void OmitYZPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the Y and Z axes, yielding slabs along X. More...
void OmitZXPartitioning ()
 Omit partitions along the Z and X axes, yielding slabs along Y. More...
void OmitNoPartitioning ()
 Partition along all three axes - this is the default. More...
void SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *set) override
 This class can compute a spatial decomposition based on the cells in a list of one or more input data sets. More...
virtual void AddDataSet (vtkDataSet *set)
 This class can compute a spatial decomposition based on the cells in a list of one or more input data sets. More...
int GetNumberOfDataSets ()
 Get the number of data sets included in spatial partitioning. More...
vtkDataSetGetDataSet (int n)
 Get the nth defined data set in the spatial partitioning. More...
vtkDataSetGetDataSet () override
 Return the 0'th data set. More...
int GetDataSetIndex (vtkDataSet *set)
 Return the index of the given data set. More...
void GetBounds (double *bounds)
 Get the spatial bounds of the entire k-d tree space. More...
void SetNewBounds (double *bounds)
 There are certain applications where you want the bounds of the k-d tree space to be at least as large as a specified box. More...
void GetRegionBounds (int regionID, double bounds[6])
 Get the spatial bounds of k-d tree region. More...
void GetRegionDataBounds (int regionID, double bounds[6])
 Get the bounds of the data within the k-d tree region. More...
void PrintRegion (int id)
 Print out leaf node data for given id. More...
void CreateCellLists (int dataSetIndex, int *regionReqList, int reqListSize)
 Create a list for each of the requested regions, listing the IDs of all cells whose centroid falls in the region. More...
void CreateCellLists (vtkDataSet *set, int *regionReqList, int reqListSize)
void CreateCellLists (int *regionReqList, int listSize)
void CreateCellLists ()
void DeleteCellLists ()
 Free the memory used by the cell lists. More...
vtkIdListGetCellList (int regionID)
 Get the cell list for a region. More...
vtkIdListGetBoundaryCellList (int regionID)
 The cell list obtained with GetCellList is the list of all cells such that their centroid is contained in the spatial region. More...
intAllGetRegionContainingCell ()
 Get a list (in order by data set by cell id) of the region IDs of the region containing the centroid for each cell. More...
int GetRegionContainingPoint (double x, double y, double z)
 Get the id of the region containing the specified location. More...
void BuildLocator () override
 Create the k-d tree decomposition of the cells of the data set or data sets. More...
int MinimalNumberOfConvexSubRegions (vtkIntArray *regionIdList, double **convexRegionBounds)
 Given a list of region IDs, determine the decomposition of these regions into the minimal number of convex subregions. More...
int ViewOrderAllRegionsInDirection (const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
 Given a direction of projection (typically obtained with vtkCamera::GetDirectionOfProjection()), this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction. More...
int ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkIntArray *regionIds, const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
 Given a direction of projection and a list of k-d tree region IDs, this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction. More...
int ViewOrderAllRegionsFromPosition (const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
 Given a camera position (typically obtained with vtkCamera::GetPosition()), this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction. More...
int ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkIntArray *regionIds, const double directionOfProjection[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
 Given a camera position and a list of k-d tree region IDs, this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction. More...
vtkIdTypeArrayBuildMapForDuplicatePoints (float tolerance)
 This call returns a mapping from the original point IDs supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints to a subset of those IDs that is unique within the specified tolerance. More...
vtkIdType FindClosestPointWithinRadius (double radius, const double x[3], double &dist2)
 Given a position x and a radius r, return the id of the point closest to the point in that radius. More...
void FindPointsWithinRadius (double R, const double x[3], vtkIdList *result)
 Find all points within a specified radius R of position x. More...
void FindClosestNPoints (int N, const double x[3], vtkIdList *result)
 Find the closest N points to a position. More...
vtkIdTypeArrayGetPointsInRegion (int regionId)
 Get a list of the original IDs of all points in a region. More...
void FreeSearchStructure () override
 Delete the k-d tree data structure. More...
void GenerateRepresentation (int level, vtkPolyData *pd) override
 Create a polydata representation of the boundaries of the k-d tree regions. More...
void GenerateRepresentation (int *regionList, int len, vtkPolyData *pd)
 Generate a polygonal representation of a list of regions. More...
virtual void PrintTiming (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Print timing of k-d tree build. More...
virtual int NewGeometry ()
 Return 1 if the geometry of the input data sets has changed since the last time the k-d tree was built. More...
virtual int NewGeometry (vtkDataSet **sets, int numDataSets)
 Return 1 if the geometry of these data sets differs for the geometry of the last data sets used to build the k-d tree. More...
virtual void InvalidateGeometry ()
 Forget about the last geometry used. More...
void FindPointsInArea (double *area, vtkIdTypeArray *ids, bool clearArray=true)
 Fill ids with points found in area. More...
virtual void TimingOn ()
 Turn on timing of the k-d tree build. More...
virtual void TimingOff ()
 Turn on timing of the k-d tree build. More...
virtual void SetTiming (vtkTypeBool)
 Turn on timing of the k-d tree build. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool GetTiming ()
 Turn on timing of the k-d tree build. More...
virtual void SetMinCells (int)
 Minimum number of cells per spatial region. More...
virtual int GetMinCells ()
 Minimum number of cells per spatial region. More...
virtual void RemoveDataSet (int index)
 Remove the given data set. More...
virtual void RemoveDataSet (vtkDataSet *set)
 Remove the given data set. More...
virtual void RemoveAllDataSets ()
 Remove the given data set. More...
virtual vtkDataSetCollectionGetDataSets ()
 Return a collection of all the data sets. More...
virtual int GetNumberOfRegions ()
 The number of leaf nodes of the tree, the spatial regions. More...
void PrintTree ()
 Print out nodes of kd tree. More...
void PrintVerboseTree ()
 Print out nodes of kd tree. More...
virtual void SetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells (vtkTypeBool)
 If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool GetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells ()
 If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region. More...
virtual void IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOn ()
 If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region. More...
virtual void IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOff ()
 If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region. More...
vtkIdType GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, int set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells)
 For a list of regions, get two cell lists. More...
vtkIdType GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, vtkDataSet *set, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells)
 For a list of regions, get two cell lists. More...
vtkIdType GetCellLists (vtkIntArray *regions, vtkIdList *inRegionCells, vtkIdList *onBoundaryCells)
 For a list of regions, get two cell lists. More...
int GetRegionContainingCell (vtkDataSet *set, vtkIdType cellID)
 Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid. More...
int GetRegionContainingCell (int set, vtkIdType cellID)
 Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid. More...
int GetRegionContainingCell (vtkIdType cellID)
 Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid. More...
void BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPointSet *pointset)
 This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points. More...
void BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPoints *ptArray)
 This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points. More...
void BuildLocatorFromPoints (vtkPoints **ptArray, int numPtArrays)
 This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points. More...
vtkIdType FindPoint (double *x)
 Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints(). More...
vtkIdType FindPoint (double x, double y, double z)
 Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints(). More...
vtkIdType FindClosestPoint (double *x, double &dist2)
 Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints() which is closest to the given point. More...
vtkIdType FindClosestPoint (double x, double y, double z, double &dist2)
 Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints() which is closest to the given point. More...
vtkIdType FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double *x, double &dist2)
 Find the Id of the point in the given region which is closest to the given point. More...
vtkIdType FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double x, double y, double z, double &dist2)
 Find the Id of the point in the given region which is closest to the given point. More...
virtual void GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOn ()
 The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions. More...
virtual void GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOff ()
 The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions. More...
virtual void SetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds (vtkTypeBool)
 The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool GetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds ()
 The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkLocator
virtual void Update ()
 Cause the locator to rebuild itself if it or its input dataset has changed. More...
virtual void Initialize ()
 Initialize locator. More...
virtual void SetMaxLevel (int)
 Set the maximum allowable level for the tree. More...
virtual int GetMaxLevel ()
 Set the maximum allowable level for the tree. More...
virtual int GetLevel ()
 Get the level of the locator (determined automatically if Automatic is true). More...
virtual void SetAutomatic (vtkTypeBool)
 Boolean controls whether locator depth/resolution of locator is computed automatically from average number of entities in bucket. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool GetAutomatic ()
 Boolean controls whether locator depth/resolution of locator is computed automatically from average number of entities in bucket. More...
virtual void AutomaticOn ()
 Boolean controls whether locator depth/resolution of locator is computed automatically from average number of entities in bucket. More...
virtual void AutomaticOff ()
 Boolean controls whether locator depth/resolution of locator is computed automatically from average number of entities in bucket. More...
virtual void SetTolerance (double)
 Specify absolute tolerance (in world coordinates) for performing geometric operations. More...
virtual double GetTolerance ()
 Specify absolute tolerance (in world coordinates) for performing geometric operations. More...
virtual vtkMTimeType GetBuildTime ()
 Return the time of the last data structure build. More...
void Register (vtkObjectBase *o) override
 Handle the PointSet <-> Locator loop. More...
void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) override
 Handle the PointSet <-> Locator loop. More...
vtkLocatorNewInstance () const
 Standard type and print methods. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Standard type and print methods. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase)
virtual void DebugOn ()
 Turn debugging output on. More...
virtual void DebugOff ()
 Turn debugging output off. More...
bool GetDebug ()
 Get the value of the debug flag. More...
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
 Set the value of the debug flag. More...
virtual void Modified ()
 Update the modification time for this object. More...
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime ()
 Return this object's modified time. More...
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event)
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. More...
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
 Return the class name as a string. More...
virtual void Delete ()
 Delete a VTK object. More...
virtual void FastDelete ()
 Delete a reference to this object. More...
void InitializeObjectBase ()
void Print (ostream &os)
 Print an object to an ostream. More...
int GetReferenceCount ()
 Return the current reference count of this object. More...
void SetReferenceCount (int)
 Sets the reference count. More...
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
 Legacy. More...
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkKdTreeSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkKdTreeNew ()
static vtkKdNodeCopyTree (vtkKdNode *kd)
 Create a copy of the binary tree representation of the k-d tree spatial partitioning provided. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkLocator
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *type)
 Standard type and print methods. More...
static vtkLocatorSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
 Standard type and print methods. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static vtkObjectNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...
static void BreakOnError ()
 This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. More...
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *name)
 Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...

Protected Types

enum  { XDIM = 0, YDIM = 1, ZDIM = 2 }

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 Standard type and print methods. More...
 vtkKdTree ()
 ~vtkKdTree () override
void SetCalculator (vtkKdNode *kd)
int ProcessUserDefinedCuts (double *bounds)
void SetCuts (vtkBSPCuts *cuts, int userDefined)
void UpdateBuildTime ()
 Save enough state so NewGeometry() can work, and update the BuildTime time stamp. More...
int DivideTest (int numberOfPoints, int level)
 Prior to dividing a region at level "level", of size "numberOfPoints", apply the tests implied by MinCells, NumberOfRegionsOrMore and NumberOfRegionsOrLess. More...
void BuildRegionList ()
virtual int SelectCutDirection (vtkKdNode *kd)
void SetActualLevel ()
void GetRegionsAtLevel (int level, vtkKdNode **nodes)
 Get back a list of the nodes at a specified level, nodes must be preallocated to hold 2^^(level) node structures. More...
int GetNumberOfCells ()
 Returns the total number of cells in all the data sets. More...
int GetDataSetsNumberOfCells (int set1, int set2)
 Returns the total number of cells in data set 1 through data set 2. More...
void ComputeCellCenter (vtkDataSet *set, int cellId, float *center)
 Get or compute the center of one cell. More...
void ComputeCellCenter (vtkDataSet *set, int cellId, double *center)
floatComputeCellCenters ()
 Compute and return a pointer to a list of all cell centers, in order by data set by cell Id. More...
floatComputeCellCenters (int set)
floatComputeCellCenters (vtkDataSet *set)
void UpdateProgress (double amount)
 Modelled on vtkAlgorithm::UpdateProgress(). More...
void UpdateSubOperationProgress (double amount)
void FindPointsWithinRadius (vtkKdNode *node, double R2, const double x[3], vtkIdList *ids)
void AddAllPointsInRegion (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIdList *ids)
void FindPointsInArea (vtkKdNode *node, double *area, vtkIdTypeArray *ids)
void AddAllPointsInRegion (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIdTypeArray *ids)
int DivideRegion (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int *ids, int nlevels)
void DoMedianFind (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int *ids, int d1, int d2, int d3)
void SelfRegister (vtkKdNode *kd)
void InitializeCellLists ()
vtkIdListGetList (int regionId, vtkIdList **which)
void ComputeCellCenter (vtkCell *cell, double *center, double *weights)
void GenerateRepresentationDataBounds (int level, vtkPolyData *pd)
void _generateRepresentationDataBounds (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys, int level)
void GenerateRepresentationWholeSpace (int level, vtkPolyData *pd)
void _generateRepresentationWholeSpace (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys, int level)
void AddPolys (vtkKdNode *kd, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys)
void _printTree (int verbose)
int SearchNeighborsForDuplicate (int regionId, float *point, int **pointsSoFar, int *len, float tolerance, float tolerance2)
int SearchRegionForDuplicate (float *point, int *pointsSoFar, int len, float tolerance2)
int _FindClosestPointInRegion (int regionId, double x, double y, double z, double &dist2)
int FindClosestPointInSphere (double x, double y, double z, double radius, int skipRegion, double &dist2)
int _ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double dop[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
int _ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double pos[3], vtkIntArray *orderedList)
void SetInputDataInfo (int i, int dims[3], double origin[3], double spacing[3])
int CheckInputDataInfo (int i, int dims[3], double origin[3], double spacing[3])
void ClearLastBuildCache ()
void NewPartitioningRequest (int req)
 vtkKdTree (const vtkKdTree &)=delete
void operator= (const vtkKdTree &)=delete
virtual void SetProgress (double)
 Set/Get the execution progress of a process object. More...
virtual double GetProgress ()
 Set/Get the execution progress of a process object. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkLocator
 vtkLocator ()
 ~vtkLocator () override
void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
 ~vtkObject () override
void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr)
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. More...
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void DeleteAllDescendants (vtkKdNode *nd)
static void GetLeafNodeIds (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *ids)
 Adds to the vtkIntArray the list of region IDs of all leaf nodes in the given node. More...
static void _SetNewBounds (vtkKdNode *kd, double *b, int *fixDim)
static void CopyChildNodes (vtkKdNode *to, vtkKdNode *from)
static void CopyKdNode (vtkKdNode *to, vtkKdNode *from)
static void SetDataBoundsToSpatialBounds (vtkKdNode *kd)
static void ZeroNumberOfPoints (vtkKdNode *kd)
static int __ViewOrderRegionsInDirection (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *list, vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double dir[3], int nextId)
static int __ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition (vtkKdNode *node, vtkIntArray *list, vtkIntArray *IdsOfInterest, const double pos[3], int nextId)
static int __ConvexSubRegions (int *ids, int len, vtkKdNode *tree, vtkKdNode **nodes)
static int FoundId (vtkIntArray *idArray, int id)
static void __printTree (vtkKdNode *kd, int depth, int verbose)
static int MidValue (int dim, float *c1, int nvals, double &coord)
static int Select (int dim, float *c1, int *ids, int nvals, double &coord)
static float FindMaxLeftHalf (int dim, float *c1, int K)
static void _Select (int dim, float *X, int *ids, int L, int R, int K)
static int ComputeLevel (vtkKdNode *kd)
static int SelfOrder (int id, vtkKdNode *kd)
static int findRegion (vtkKdNode *node, float x, float y, float z)
static int findRegion (vtkKdNode *node, double x, double y, double z)
static vtkKdNode ** _GetRegionsAtLevel (int level, vtkKdNode **nodes, vtkKdNode *kd)
static void AddNewRegions (vtkKdNode *kd, float *c1, int midpt, int dim, double coord)

Protected Attributes

int UserDefinedCuts
int ValidDirections
vtkKdNode ** RegionList
double ProgressScale
double ProgressOffset
int NumberOfRegionsOrLess
int NumberOfRegionsOrMore
vtkTypeBool IncludeRegionBoundaryCells
double CellBoundsCache [6]
vtkTypeBool GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds
struct _cellList CellList
int MinCells
int NumberOfRegions
vtkTypeBool Timing
double FudgeFactor
int NumberOfLocatorPoints
float MaxWidth
int LastNumDataSets
int LastDataCacheSize
vtkDataSet ** LastInputDataSets
unsigned long * LastDataSetObserverTags
double Progress
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkLocator
vtkTypeBool Automatic
double Tolerance
int MaxLevel
int Level
vtkTimeStamp BuildTime
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Detailed Description

a Kd-tree spatial decomposition of a set of points

Given one or more vtkDataSets, create a load balancing k-d tree decomposition of the points at the center of the cells. Or, create a k-d tree point locator from a list of points.

This class can also generate a PolyData representation of the boundaries of the spatial regions in the decomposition.

It can sort the regions with respect to a viewing direction, and it can decompose a list of regions into subsets, each of which represent a convex spatial region (since many algorithms require a convex region).

If the points were derived from cells, vtkKdTree can create a list of cell Ids for each region for each data set. Two lists are available - all cells with centroid in the region, and all cells that intersect the region but whose centroid lies in another region.

For the purpose of removing duplicate points quickly from large data sets, or for finding nearby points, we added another mode for building the locator. BuildLocatorFromPoints will build a k-d tree from one or more vtkPoints objects. This can be followed by BuildMapForDuplicatePoints which returns a mapping from the original ids to a subset of the ids that is unique within a supplied tolerance, or you can use FindPoint and FindClosestPoint to locate points in the original set that the tree was built from.

See also
vtkLocator vtkCellLocator vtkPKdTree
vtkKdTree (Tests)

Definition at line 78 of file vtkKdTree.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 81 of file vtkKdTree.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 671 of file vtkKdTree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkKdTree::vtkKdTree ( )
vtkKdTree::~vtkKdTree ( )
vtkKdTree::vtkKdTree ( const vtkKdTree )

Member Function Documentation

static vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::IsA ( const char *  type)

Standard type and print methods.

Reimplemented from vtkLocator.

Reimplemented in vtkPKdTree.

static vtkKdTree* vtkKdTree::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkKdTree::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Standard type and print methods.

Reimplemented from vtkLocator.

Reimplemented in vtkPKdTree.

vtkKdTree* vtkKdTree::NewInstance ( ) const
void vtkKdTree::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.

Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkPKdTree.

static vtkKdTree* vtkKdTree::New ( )
virtual void vtkKdTree::TimingOn ( )

Turn on timing of the k-d tree build.

virtual void vtkKdTree::TimingOff ( )

Turn on timing of the k-d tree build.

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetTiming ( vtkTypeBool  )

Turn on timing of the k-d tree build.

virtual vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::GetTiming ( )

Turn on timing of the k-d tree build.

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetMinCells ( int  )

Minimum number of cells per spatial region.

Default is 100.

virtual int vtkKdTree::GetMinCells ( )

Minimum number of cells per spatial region.

Default is 100.

virtual int vtkKdTree::GetNumberOfRegionsOrLess ( )

Set/Get the number of spatial regions you want to get close to without going over.

(The number of spatial regions is normally a power of two.) Call this before BuildLocator(). Default is unset (0).

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetNumberOfRegionsOrLess ( int  )
virtual int vtkKdTree::GetNumberOfRegionsOrMore ( )

Set/Get the number of spatial regions you want to get close to while having at least this many regions.

(The number of spatial regions is normally a power of two.) Default is unset (0).

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetNumberOfRegionsOrMore ( int  )
virtual double vtkKdTree::GetFudgeFactor ( )

Some algorithms on k-d trees require a value that is a very small distance relative to the diameter of the entire space divided by the k-d tree.

This factor is the maximum axis-aligned width of the space multiplied by 10e-6.

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetFudgeFactor ( double  )
virtual vtkBSPCuts* vtkKdTree::GetCuts ( )

Get a vtkBSPCuts object, a general object representing an axis- aligned spatial partitioning.

Used by vtkBSPIntersections.

void vtkKdTree::SetCuts ( vtkBSPCuts cuts)

Normally the k-d tree is computed from the dataset(s) provided in SetDataSet.

Alternatively, you can provide the cuts that will be applied by calling SetCuts.

void vtkKdTree::OmitXPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the X axis, yielding shafts in the X direction.

void vtkKdTree::OmitYPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the Y axis, yielding shafts in the Y direction.

void vtkKdTree::OmitZPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the Z axis, yielding shafts in the Z direction.

void vtkKdTree::OmitXYPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the X and Y axes, yielding slabs along Z.

void vtkKdTree::OmitYZPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the Y and Z axes, yielding slabs along X.

void vtkKdTree::OmitZXPartitioning ( )

Omit partitions along the Z and X axes, yielding slabs along Y.

void vtkKdTree::OmitNoPartitioning ( )

Partition along all three axes - this is the default.

void vtkKdTree::SetDataSet ( vtkDataSet set)

This class can compute a spatial decomposition based on the cells in a list of one or more input data sets.

SetDataSet sets the first data set in the list to the named set. SetNthDataSet sets the data set at index N to the data set named. RemoveData set takes either the data set itself or an index and removes that data set from the list of data sets. AddDataSet adds a data set to the list of data sets. Clear out all data sets and replace with single data set. For backward compatibility with superclass.

Reimplemented from vtkLocator.

virtual void vtkKdTree::AddDataSet ( vtkDataSet set)

This class can compute a spatial decomposition based on the cells in a list of one or more input data sets.

Add them one at a time with this method.

virtual void vtkKdTree::RemoveDataSet ( int  index)

Remove the given data set.

virtual void vtkKdTree::RemoveDataSet ( vtkDataSet set)

Remove the given data set.

virtual void vtkKdTree::RemoveAllDataSets ( )

Remove the given data set.

int vtkKdTree::GetNumberOfDataSets ( )

Get the number of data sets included in spatial partitioning.

vtkDataSet* vtkKdTree::GetDataSet ( int  n)

Get the nth defined data set in the spatial partitioning.

(If you used SetNthDataSet to define 0,1 and 3 and ask for data set 2, you get 3.) Return the n'th data set.

vtkDataSet* vtkKdTree::GetDataSet ( )

Return the 0'th data set.

For compatibility with the superclass' interface.

Reimplemented from vtkLocator.

Definition at line 234 of file vtkKdTree.h.

virtual vtkDataSetCollection* vtkKdTree::GetDataSets ( )

Return a collection of all the data sets.

int vtkKdTree::GetDataSetIndex ( vtkDataSet set)

Return the index of the given data set.

Returns -1 if that data set does not exist.

void vtkKdTree::GetBounds ( double bounds)

Get the spatial bounds of the entire k-d tree space.

Sets bounds array to xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax.

void vtkKdTree::SetNewBounds ( double bounds)

There are certain applications where you want the bounds of the k-d tree space to be at least as large as a specified box.

If the k-d tree has been built, you can expand it's bounds with this method. If the bounds supplied are smaller than those computed, they will be ignored.

virtual int vtkKdTree::GetNumberOfRegions ( )

The number of leaf nodes of the tree, the spatial regions.

void vtkKdTree::GetRegionBounds ( int  regionID,
double  bounds[6] 

Get the spatial bounds of k-d tree region.

void vtkKdTree::GetRegionDataBounds ( int  regionID,
double  bounds[6] 

Get the bounds of the data within the k-d tree region.

void vtkKdTree::PrintTree ( )

Print out nodes of kd tree.

void vtkKdTree::PrintVerboseTree ( )

Print out nodes of kd tree.

void vtkKdTree::PrintRegion ( int  id)

Print out leaf node data for given id.

void vtkKdTree::CreateCellLists ( int  dataSetIndex,
int regionReqList,
int  reqListSize 

Create a list for each of the requested regions, listing the IDs of all cells whose centroid falls in the region.

These lists are obtained with GetCellList(). If no DataSet is specified, the cell list is created for DataSet 0. If no list of requested regions is provided, the cell lists for all regions are created.

When CreateCellLists is called again, the lists created on the previous call are deleted.

void vtkKdTree::CreateCellLists ( vtkDataSet set,
int regionReqList,
int  reqListSize 
void vtkKdTree::CreateCellLists ( int regionReqList,
int  listSize 
void vtkKdTree::CreateCellLists ( )
virtual void vtkKdTree::SetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells ( vtkTypeBool  )

If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region.

These lists are obtained with GetBoundaryCellList(). Default is OFF.

virtual vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::GetIncludeRegionBoundaryCells ( )

If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region.

These lists are obtained with GetBoundaryCellList(). Default is OFF.

virtual void vtkKdTree::IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOn ( )

If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region.

These lists are obtained with GetBoundaryCellList(). Default is OFF.

virtual void vtkKdTree::IncludeRegionBoundaryCellsOff ( )

If IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON, CreateCellLists() will also create a list of cells which intersect a given region, but are not assigned to the region.

These lists are obtained with GetBoundaryCellList(). Default is OFF.

void vtkKdTree::DeleteCellLists ( )

Free the memory used by the cell lists.

vtkIdList* vtkKdTree::GetCellList ( int  regionID)

Get the cell list for a region.

This returns a pointer to vtkKdTree's memory, so don't free it.

vtkIdList* vtkKdTree::GetBoundaryCellList ( int  regionID)

The cell list obtained with GetCellList is the list of all cells such that their centroid is contained in the spatial region.

It may also be desirable to get a list of all cells intersecting a spatial region, but with centroid in some other region. This is that list. This list is computed in CreateCellLists() if and only if IncludeRegionBoundaryCells is ON. This returns a pointer to KdTree's memory, so don't free it.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::GetCellLists ( vtkIntArray regions,
int  set,
vtkIdList inRegionCells,
vtkIdList onBoundaryCells 

For a list of regions, get two cell lists.

The first lists the IDs all cells whose centroids lie in one of the regions. The second lists the IDs of all cells that intersect the regions, but whose centroid lies in a region not on the list.

The total number of cell IDs written to both lists is returned. Either list pointer passed in can be nullptr, and it will be ignored. If there are multiple data sets, you must specify which data set you wish cell IDs for.

The caller should delete these two lists when done. This method uses the cell lists created in CreateCellLists(). If the cell list for any of the requested regions does not exist, then this method will call CreateCellLists() to create cell lists for every region of the k-d tree. You must remember to DeleteCellLists() when done with all calls to this method, as cell lists can require a great deal of memory.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::GetCellLists ( vtkIntArray regions,
vtkDataSet set,
vtkIdList inRegionCells,
vtkIdList onBoundaryCells 

For a list of regions, get two cell lists.

The first lists the IDs all cells whose centroids lie in one of the regions. The second lists the IDs of all cells that intersect the regions, but whose centroid lies in a region not on the list.

The total number of cell IDs written to both lists is returned. Either list pointer passed in can be nullptr, and it will be ignored. If there are multiple data sets, you must specify which data set you wish cell IDs for.

The caller should delete these two lists when done. This method uses the cell lists created in CreateCellLists(). If the cell list for any of the requested regions does not exist, then this method will call CreateCellLists() to create cell lists for every region of the k-d tree. You must remember to DeleteCellLists() when done with all calls to this method, as cell lists can require a great deal of memory.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::GetCellLists ( vtkIntArray regions,
vtkIdList inRegionCells,
vtkIdList onBoundaryCells 

For a list of regions, get two cell lists.

The first lists the IDs all cells whose centroids lie in one of the regions. The second lists the IDs of all cells that intersect the regions, but whose centroid lies in a region not on the list.

The total number of cell IDs written to both lists is returned. Either list pointer passed in can be nullptr, and it will be ignored. If there are multiple data sets, you must specify which data set you wish cell IDs for.

The caller should delete these two lists when done. This method uses the cell lists created in CreateCellLists(). If the cell list for any of the requested regions does not exist, then this method will call CreateCellLists() to create cell lists for every region of the k-d tree. You must remember to DeleteCellLists() when done with all calls to this method, as cell lists can require a great deal of memory.

int vtkKdTree::GetRegionContainingCell ( vtkDataSet set,
vtkIdType  cellID 

Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid.

If no DataSet is specified, assume DataSet 0. If you need the region ID for every cell, use AllGetRegionContainingCell instead. It is more efficient.

int vtkKdTree::GetRegionContainingCell ( int  set,
vtkIdType  cellID 

Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid.

If no DataSet is specified, assume DataSet 0. If you need the region ID for every cell, use AllGetRegionContainingCell instead. It is more efficient.

int vtkKdTree::GetRegionContainingCell ( vtkIdType  cellID)

Get the id of the region containing the cell centroid.

If no DataSet is specified, assume DataSet 0. If you need the region ID for every cell, use AllGetRegionContainingCell instead. It is more efficient.

int* vtkKdTree::AllGetRegionContainingCell ( )

Get a list (in order by data set by cell id) of the region IDs of the region containing the centroid for each cell.

This is faster than calling GetRegionContainingCell for each cell in the DataSet. vtkKdTree uses this list, so don't delete it.

int vtkKdTree::GetRegionContainingPoint ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Get the id of the region containing the specified location.

void vtkKdTree::BuildLocator ( )

Create the k-d tree decomposition of the cells of the data set or data sets.

Cells are assigned to k-d tree spatial regions based on the location of their centroids.

Implements vtkLocator.

Reimplemented in vtkPKdTree.

int vtkKdTree::MinimalNumberOfConvexSubRegions ( vtkIntArray regionIdList,
double **  convexRegionBounds 

Given a list of region IDs, determine the decomposition of these regions into the minimal number of convex subregions.

Due to the way the k-d tree is constructed, those convex subregions will be axis-aligned boxes. Return the minimal number of such convex regions that compose the original region list. This call will set convexRegionBounds to point to a list of the bounds of these regions. Caller should free this. There will be six values for each convex subregion (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax). If the regions in the regionIdList form a box already, a "1" is returned and the second argument contains the bounds of the box.

int vtkKdTree::ViewOrderAllRegionsInDirection ( const double  directionOfProjection[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 

Given a direction of projection (typically obtained with vtkCamera::GetDirectionOfProjection()), this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction.

The number of ordered regions is returned. Use this method to view order regions for cameras that use parallel projection.

int vtkKdTree::ViewOrderRegionsInDirection ( vtkIntArray regionIds,
const double  directionOfProjection[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 

Given a direction of projection and a list of k-d tree region IDs, this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction.

The number of ordered regions is returned. Use this method to view order regions for cameras that use parallel projection.

int vtkKdTree::ViewOrderAllRegionsFromPosition ( const double  directionOfProjection[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 

Given a camera position (typically obtained with vtkCamera::GetPosition()), this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction.

The number of ordered regions is returned. Use this method to view order regions for cameras that use perspective projection.

int vtkKdTree::ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition ( vtkIntArray regionIds,
const double  directionOfProjection[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 

Given a camera position and a list of k-d tree region IDs, this method, creates a list of the k-d tree region IDs in order from front to back with respect to that direction.

The number of ordered regions is returned. Use this method to view order regions for cameras that use perspective projection.

void vtkKdTree::BuildLocatorFromPoints ( vtkPointSet pointset)

This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points.

It builds the tree from one or more vtkPoints objects instead of from the cells of a vtkDataSet. This build would normally be followed by BuildMapForDuplicatePoints, FindPoint, or FindClosestPoint. Since this will build a normal k-d tree, all the region intersection queries will still work, as will most other calls except those that have "Cell" in the name.

This method works most efficiently when the point arrays are float arrays.

void vtkKdTree::BuildLocatorFromPoints ( vtkPoints ptArray)

This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points.

It builds the tree from one or more vtkPoints objects instead of from the cells of a vtkDataSet. This build would normally be followed by BuildMapForDuplicatePoints, FindPoint, or FindClosestPoint. Since this will build a normal k-d tree, all the region intersection queries will still work, as will most other calls except those that have "Cell" in the name.

This method works most efficiently when the point arrays are float arrays.

void vtkKdTree::BuildLocatorFromPoints ( vtkPoints **  ptArray,
int  numPtArrays 

This is a special purpose locator that builds a k-d tree to find duplicate and near-by points.

It builds the tree from one or more vtkPoints objects instead of from the cells of a vtkDataSet. This build would normally be followed by BuildMapForDuplicatePoints, FindPoint, or FindClosestPoint. Since this will build a normal k-d tree, all the region intersection queries will still work, as will most other calls except those that have "Cell" in the name.

This method works most efficiently when the point arrays are float arrays.

vtkIdTypeArray* vtkKdTree::BuildMapForDuplicatePoints ( float  tolerance)

This call returns a mapping from the original point IDs supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints to a subset of those IDs that is unique within the specified tolerance.

If points 2, 5, and 12 are the same, then IdMap[2] = IdMap[5] = IdMap[12] = 2 (or 5 or 12).

"original point IDs" - For point IDs we start at 0 for the first point in the first vtkPoints object, and increase by 1 for subsequent points and subsequent vtkPoints objects.

You must have called BuildLocatorFromPoints() before calling this. You are responsible for deleting the returned array.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindPoint ( double x)

Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints().

Returns -1 if the point was not in the original array.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindPoint ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints().

Returns -1 if the point was not in the original array.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindClosestPoint ( double x,
double dist2 

Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints() which is closest to the given point.

Set the square of the distance between the two points.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindClosestPoint ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double dist2 

Find the Id of the point that was previously supplied to BuildLocatorFromPoints() which is closest to the given point.

Set the square of the distance between the two points.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindClosestPointWithinRadius ( double  radius,
const double  x[3],
double dist2 

Given a position x and a radius r, return the id of the point closest to the point in that radius.

dist2 returns the squared distance to the point.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindClosestPointInRegion ( int  regionId,
double x,
double dist2 

Find the Id of the point in the given region which is closest to the given point.

Return the ID of the point, and set the square of the distance of between the points.

vtkIdType vtkKdTree::FindClosestPointInRegion ( int  regionId,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double dist2 

Find the Id of the point in the given region which is closest to the given point.

Return the ID of the point, and set the square of the distance of between the points.

void vtkKdTree::FindPointsWithinRadius ( double  R,
const double  x[3],
vtkIdList result 

Find all points within a specified radius R of position x.

The result is not sorted in any specific manner. These methods are thread safe if BuildLocator() is directly or indirectly called from a single thread first.

void vtkKdTree::FindClosestNPoints ( int  N,
const double  x[3],
vtkIdList result 

Find the closest N points to a position.

This returns the closest N points to a position. A faster method could be created that returned N close points to a position, but necessarily the exact N closest. The returned points are sorted from closest to farthest. These methods are thread safe if BuildLocator() is directly or indirectly called from a single thread first.

vtkIdTypeArray* vtkKdTree::GetPointsInRegion ( int  regionId)

Get a list of the original IDs of all points in a region.

You must have called BuildLocatorFromPoints before calling this.

void vtkKdTree::FreeSearchStructure ( )

Delete the k-d tree data structure.

Also delete any cell lists that were computed with CreateCellLists().

Implements vtkLocator.

void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentation ( int  level,
vtkPolyData pd 

Create a polydata representation of the boundaries of the k-d tree regions.

If level equals GetLevel(), the leaf nodes are represented.

Implements vtkLocator.

void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentation ( int regionList,
int  len,
vtkPolyData pd 

Generate a polygonal representation of a list of regions.

Only leaf nodes have region IDs, so these will be leaf nodes.

virtual void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOn ( )

The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions.

The data inside the regions may not occupy the entire space. To draw just the bounds of the data in the regions, set this variable ON.

virtual void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBoundsOff ( )

The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions.

The data inside the regions may not occupy the entire space. To draw just the bounds of the data in the regions, set this variable ON.

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds ( vtkTypeBool  )

The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions.

The data inside the regions may not occupy the entire space. To draw just the bounds of the data in the regions, set this variable ON.

virtual vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::GetGenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds ( )

The polydata representation of the k-d tree shows the boundaries of the k-d tree decomposition spatial regions.

The data inside the regions may not occupy the entire space. To draw just the bounds of the data in the regions, set this variable ON.

virtual void vtkKdTree::PrintTiming ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Print timing of k-d tree build.

Reimplemented in vtkPKdTree.

virtual int vtkKdTree::NewGeometry ( )

Return 1 if the geometry of the input data sets has changed since the last time the k-d tree was built.

virtual int vtkKdTree::NewGeometry ( vtkDataSet **  sets,
int  numDataSets 

Return 1 if the geometry of these data sets differs for the geometry of the last data sets used to build the k-d tree.

virtual void vtkKdTree::InvalidateGeometry ( )

Forget about the last geometry used.

The next call to NewGeometry will return 1. A new k-d tree will be built the next time BuildLocator is called.

static vtkKdNode* vtkKdTree::CopyTree ( vtkKdNode kd)

Create a copy of the binary tree representation of the k-d tree spatial partitioning provided.

void vtkKdTree::FindPointsInArea ( double area,
vtkIdTypeArray ids,
bool  clearArray = true 

Fill ids with points found in area.

The area is a 6-tuple containing (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax). This method will clear the array by default. To append ids to an array, set clearArray to false.

void vtkKdTree::SetCalculator ( vtkKdNode kd)
int vtkKdTree::ProcessUserDefinedCuts ( double bounds)
void vtkKdTree::SetCuts ( vtkBSPCuts cuts,
int  userDefined 
void vtkKdTree::UpdateBuildTime ( )

Save enough state so NewGeometry() can work, and update the BuildTime time stamp.

int vtkKdTree::DivideTest ( int  numberOfPoints,
int  level 

Prior to dividing a region at level "level", of size "numberOfPoints", apply the tests implied by MinCells, NumberOfRegionsOrMore and NumberOfRegionsOrLess.

Return 1 if it's OK to divide the region, 0 if you should not.

static void vtkKdTree::DeleteAllDescendants ( vtkKdNode nd)
void vtkKdTree::BuildRegionList ( )
virtual int vtkKdTree::SelectCutDirection ( vtkKdNode kd)
void vtkKdTree::SetActualLevel ( )

Definition at line 688 of file vtkKdTree.h.

void vtkKdTree::GetRegionsAtLevel ( int  level,
vtkKdNode **  nodes 

Get back a list of the nodes at a specified level, nodes must be preallocated to hold 2^^(level) node structures.

static void vtkKdTree::GetLeafNodeIds ( vtkKdNode node,
vtkIntArray ids 

Adds to the vtkIntArray the list of region IDs of all leaf nodes in the given node.

int vtkKdTree::GetNumberOfCells ( )

Returns the total number of cells in all the data sets.

int vtkKdTree::GetDataSetsNumberOfCells ( int  set1,
int  set2 

Returns the total number of cells in data set 1 through data set 2.

void vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenter ( vtkDataSet set,
int  cellId,
float center 

Get or compute the center of one cell.

If the DataSet is nullptr, the first DataSet is used. This is the point used in determining to which spatial region the cell is assigned.

void vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenter ( vtkDataSet set,
int  cellId,
double center 
float* vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenters ( )

Compute and return a pointer to a list of all cell centers, in order by data set by cell Id.

If a DataSet is specified cell centers for cells of that data only are returned. If no DataSet is specified, the cell centers of cells in all DataSets are returned. The caller should free the list of cell centers when done.

float* vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenters ( int  set)
float* vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenters ( vtkDataSet set)
void vtkKdTree::UpdateProgress ( double  amount)

Modelled on vtkAlgorithm::UpdateProgress().

Update the progress when building the locator. Fires vtkCommand::ProgressEvent.

virtual void vtkKdTree::SetProgress ( double  )

Set/Get the execution progress of a process object.

virtual double vtkKdTree::GetProgress ( )

Set/Get the execution progress of a process object.

void vtkKdTree::UpdateSubOperationProgress ( double  amount)
static void vtkKdTree::_SetNewBounds ( vtkKdNode kd,
double b,
int fixDim 
static void vtkKdTree::CopyChildNodes ( vtkKdNode to,
vtkKdNode from 
static void vtkKdTree::CopyKdNode ( vtkKdNode to,
vtkKdNode from 
static void vtkKdTree::SetDataBoundsToSpatialBounds ( vtkKdNode kd)
static void vtkKdTree::ZeroNumberOfPoints ( vtkKdNode kd)
void vtkKdTree::FindPointsWithinRadius ( vtkKdNode node,
double  R2,
const double  x[3],
vtkIdList ids 
void vtkKdTree::AddAllPointsInRegion ( vtkKdNode node,
vtkIdList ids 
void vtkKdTree::FindPointsInArea ( vtkKdNode node,
double area,
vtkIdTypeArray ids 
void vtkKdTree::AddAllPointsInRegion ( vtkKdNode node,
vtkIdTypeArray ids 
int vtkKdTree::DivideRegion ( vtkKdNode kd,
float c1,
int ids,
int  nlevels 
void vtkKdTree::DoMedianFind ( vtkKdNode kd,
float c1,
int ids,
int  d1,
int  d2,
int  d3 
void vtkKdTree::SelfRegister ( vtkKdNode kd)
void vtkKdTree::InitializeCellLists ( )
vtkIdList* vtkKdTree::GetList ( int  regionId,
vtkIdList **  which 
void vtkKdTree::ComputeCellCenter ( vtkCell cell,
double center,
double weights 
void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentationDataBounds ( int  level,
vtkPolyData pd 
void vtkKdTree::_generateRepresentationDataBounds ( vtkKdNode kd,
vtkPoints pts,
vtkCellArray polys,
int  level 
void vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentationWholeSpace ( int  level,
vtkPolyData pd 
void vtkKdTree::_generateRepresentationWholeSpace ( vtkKdNode kd,
vtkPoints pts,
vtkCellArray polys,
int  level 
void vtkKdTree::AddPolys ( vtkKdNode kd,
vtkPoints pts,
vtkCellArray polys 
void vtkKdTree::_printTree ( int  verbose)
int vtkKdTree::SearchNeighborsForDuplicate ( int  regionId,
float point,
int **  pointsSoFar,
int len,
float  tolerance,
float  tolerance2 
int vtkKdTree::SearchRegionForDuplicate ( float point,
int pointsSoFar,
int  len,
float  tolerance2 
int vtkKdTree::_FindClosestPointInRegion ( int  regionId,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double dist2 
int vtkKdTree::FindClosestPointInSphere ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  radius,
int  skipRegion,
double dist2 
int vtkKdTree::_ViewOrderRegionsInDirection ( vtkIntArray IdsOfInterest,
const double  dop[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 
static int vtkKdTree::__ViewOrderRegionsInDirection ( vtkKdNode node,
vtkIntArray list,
vtkIntArray IdsOfInterest,
const double  dir[3],
int  nextId 
int vtkKdTree::_ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition ( vtkIntArray IdsOfInterest,
const double  pos[3],
vtkIntArray orderedList 
static int vtkKdTree::__ViewOrderRegionsFromPosition ( vtkKdNode node,
vtkIntArray list,
vtkIntArray IdsOfInterest,
const double  pos[3],
int  nextId 
static int vtkKdTree::__ConvexSubRegions ( int ids,
int  len,
vtkKdNode tree,
vtkKdNode **  nodes 
static int vtkKdTree::FoundId ( vtkIntArray idArray,
int  id 
void vtkKdTree::SetInputDataInfo ( int  i,
int  dims[3],
double  origin[3],
double  spacing[3] 
int vtkKdTree::CheckInputDataInfo ( int  i,
int  dims[3],
double  origin[3],
double  spacing[3] 
void vtkKdTree::ClearLastBuildCache ( )
static void vtkKdTree::__printTree ( vtkKdNode kd,
int  depth,
int  verbose 
static int vtkKdTree::MidValue ( int  dim,
float c1,
int  nvals,
double coord 
static int vtkKdTree::Select ( int  dim,
float c1,
int ids,
int  nvals,
double coord 
static float vtkKdTree::FindMaxLeftHalf ( int  dim,
float c1,
int  K 
static void vtkKdTree::_Select ( int  dim,
float X,
int ids,
int  L,
int  R,
int  K 
static int vtkKdTree::ComputeLevel ( vtkKdNode kd)
static int vtkKdTree::SelfOrder ( int  id,
vtkKdNode kd 
static int vtkKdTree::findRegion ( vtkKdNode node,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
static int vtkKdTree::findRegion ( vtkKdNode node,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
static vtkKdNode** vtkKdTree::_GetRegionsAtLevel ( int  level,
vtkKdNode **  nodes,
vtkKdNode kd 
static void vtkKdTree::AddNewRegions ( vtkKdNode kd,
float c1,
int  midpt,
int  dim,
double  coord 
void vtkKdTree::NewPartitioningRequest ( int  req)
void vtkKdTree::operator= ( const vtkKdTree )

Member Data Documentation

vtkBSPIntersections* vtkKdTree::BSPCalculator

Definition at line 646 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::UserDefinedCuts

Definition at line 647 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::ValidDirections

Definition at line 677 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkKdNode* vtkKdTree::Top

Definition at line 679 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkKdNode** vtkKdTree::RegionList

Definition at line 680 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkTimerLog* vtkKdTree::TimerLog

Definition at line 682 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkDataSetCollection* vtkKdTree::DataSets

Definition at line 740 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double vtkKdTree::ProgressScale

Definition at line 754 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double vtkKdTree::ProgressOffset

Definition at line 763 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::NumberOfRegionsOrLess

Definition at line 880 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::NumberOfRegionsOrMore

Definition at line 881 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::IncludeRegionBoundaryCells

Definition at line 883 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double vtkKdTree::CellBoundsCache[6]

Definition at line 884 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::GenerateRepresentationUsingDataBounds

Definition at line 886 of file vtkKdTree.h.

struct _cellList vtkKdTree::CellList

Definition at line 888 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int* vtkKdTree::CellRegionList

Definition at line 893 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::MinCells

Definition at line 895 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::NumberOfRegions

Definition at line 896 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkTypeBool vtkKdTree::Timing

Definition at line 898 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double vtkKdTree::FudgeFactor

Definition at line 899 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::NumberOfLocatorPoints

Definition at line 904 of file vtkKdTree.h.

float* vtkKdTree::LocatorPoints

Definition at line 905 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int* vtkKdTree::LocatorIds

Definition at line 906 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int* vtkKdTree::LocatorRegionLocation

Definition at line 907 of file vtkKdTree.h.

float vtkKdTree::MaxWidth

Definition at line 909 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::LastNumDataSets

Definition at line 914 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int vtkKdTree::LastDataCacheSize

Definition at line 915 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkDataSet** vtkKdTree::LastInputDataSets

Definition at line 916 of file vtkKdTree.h.

unsigned long* vtkKdTree::LastDataSetObserverTags

Definition at line 917 of file vtkKdTree.h.

int* vtkKdTree::LastDataSetType

Definition at line 918 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double* vtkKdTree::LastInputDataInfo

Definition at line 919 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double* vtkKdTree::LastBounds

Definition at line 920 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkIdType* vtkKdTree::LastNumPoints

Definition at line 921 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkIdType* vtkKdTree::LastNumCells

Definition at line 922 of file vtkKdTree.h.

vtkBSPCuts* vtkKdTree::Cuts

Definition at line 924 of file vtkKdTree.h.

double vtkKdTree::Progress

Definition at line 925 of file vtkKdTree.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: