VTK  9.1.0
vtkSLACReader.h File Reference
#include "vtkIONetCDFModule.h"
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
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class  vtkSLACReader
 A reader for a data format used by Omega3p, Tau3p, and several other tools used at the Standford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). More...
class  vtkSLACReader::EdgeEndpoints
 Simple class used internally to define an edge based on the endpoints. More...
class  vtkSLACReader::MidpointCoordinates
 Simple class used internally for holding midpoint information. More...
class  vtkSLACReader::MidpointCoordinateMap
 Manages a map from edges to midpoint coordinates. More...
class  vtkSLACReader::MidpointIdMap
 Manages a map from edges to the point id of the midpoint. More...