This is the complete list of members for vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase, including all inherited members.
DataSetType(const types::DataSetType type) const noexcept | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protected |
DataSetTypes | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedstatic |
DoFill(vtkMultiBlockDataSet *multiBlock, const size_t step)=0 | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedpure virtual |
Engine | vtx::VTXSchema | protected |
Fill(vtkMultiBlockDataSet *multiBlock, const size_t step=0) | vtx::VTXSchema | |
GetDataArray(const std::string &variableName, types::DataArray &dataArray, const size_t step=0) | vtx::VTXSchema | protected |
GetTimes(const std::string &variableName="") | vtx::VTXSchema | protected |
Init()=0 | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedpure virtual |
InitTimes() final | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedvirtual |
IO | vtx::VTXSchema | protected |
Pieces | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protected |
ReadDataSets(const types::DataSetType type, const size_t step, const size_t pieceID) | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protected |
ReadPiece(const size_t step, const size_t pieceID)=0 | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedpure virtual |
Schema | vtx::VTXSchema | |
SpecialNames | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedstatic |
TIMENames | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | protectedstatic |
Times | vtx::VTXSchema | |
Type | vtx::VTXSchema | |
VTXSchema(const std::string &type, const std::string &schema, adios2::IO &io, adios2::Engine &engine) | vtx::VTXSchema | |
VTXvtkBase(const std::string &type, const std::string &schema, adios2::IO &io, adios2::Engine &engine) | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | |
~VTXSchema() | vtx::VTXSchema | virtual |
~VTXvtkBase() | vtx::schema::VTXvtkBase | virtual |